Maid in Heaven

Sep 29, 2022
Maid in Heaven


My wife and I are a retired but busy couple. We recently moved into a newly constructed home in a retirement community. Being in a community that is under construction you will understand there is a lot of dirt and dust being stirred up on a daily basis so we needed a robot vacuum that could keep up with the mess on our floors and carpet.

We already had a robot vacuum from our former home. It worked fine but it did not have a mopping feature that we dearly needed as we have engineered wood flooring on our main level. This robot has since been relocated to our carpeted basement area where it is content and still does a great job for us.

My mission given to me by my wife was to buy a hybrid one that was capable of doing both vacuuming and mopping. I spent many hours on the Internet investigating robots. Difficult finding ones that did both efficiently and effectively per reviews. I was looking for one that had rotating pads vs. dragging pads. I finally found one that had decent reviews so I made the purchase.

This robot, which I will not mention the brand, looked great and performed very well for both mopping and vacuuming. Its system even detected carpets during the mopping phase so avoided them. The drawback was it did not have a mapping system and I needed to babysit it as it would get stuck a few times during its journey.

Back to the drawing board to see if I could find a better robot.

Then I stumbled across the Narwal system. It looked too good to be true. A system that both vacuumed and mopped, had mapping capabilities, spinning mop heads, and to top it off it cleaned the mop heads themselves! I just had to try it out. Well needless to say I will our Mabel is fantastic. The other robot was quickly packaged up and returned.

Narwal has the ability to set separate schedules for vacuuming and mopping plus you can individualize both schedules for no go zones. This worked perfectly for when Mabel is in its mopping mode I have set up our area carpets as no-go zones.

The app needs a little getting used to for navigating around but it has gotten better with their updates.

Mabel is a maid made in heaven!

By Warren Elcombe